The 3rd International Conference on Engineering Physics

The Role of Engineering Physics for Sustainable Development Goals

About EPIC 2021

Held as part of the Indonesian Consortium for Engineering Physics (Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Fisika/BKSTF) biannual programs, the 3rd Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC 2021) provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in engineering and the natural sciences. The theme of EPIC 2021 is “The Roles of Engineering Physics for Sustainable Development Goals” with subtopics that include materials science, instrumentation, optics and photonics, acoustic and vibration, and building physics. The theme of Sustainable Development Goals was chosen because various countries were struggling to realize the goals set together at the United Nations General Assembly, including Indonesia.

In this year, the 3rd Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2021 will be held together with the 6th Astechnova International Energy Conference as a Joint International Conference in which the two conferences will share the same venue and schedule.  The program of these conferences is combined which includes keynote and plenary lectures, parallel presentation, workshop, forum meetings, industry exhibition, as well as best-paper and best-presenter awards. Therefore, the attendees of the EPIC 2021 will take the benefits of the opportunity to join the lectures, workshops, and exhibitions available at Astechnova Conference 2021.


  1. To provide the means of scientific gathering for national and global Engineering Physics researchers.
  2. To increase the scientific publications from national and global Engineering Physics researchers.
  3. To give a chance for students and young generation to interact with Engineering Physics activist from various countries.